Product Name: American Girl offers Samantha’s Middy Outfit
The Middy outfit (also known as Samantha's Summer Outfit) was originally introduced to Samantha's Collection as two separate components, the Middy Dress with Tam and the High Button Shoes, in 1988. The set was combined in 2007 and ultimately retired in 2008. The outfit is associated with the book Samantha Saves the Day. Long sleeved white middy dress with sailor collar. Pleated skirt with four decorative buttons. Elastic lining at waistband. Black braid trim on collar and sleeves. Embroidered black offers anchor on front and stars on collar. Attached crest on right sleeve. Lace up black ribbon through six eyelets on lower part of skirt. Velcros up the back and at sleeves with snap at waistband. White sailor tam. Black grosgrain ribbon brim and knot. Black and white high button shoes. Black toes and wooden heels. Four functional white buttons on side. Bronze shiny bo's'n's (boatswain's) whistle. This was phased out of the outfit sometime in 2005. Tagged Pleasant Company.