Product Name: MCT006 1100ml Cast Ir319Teapot,good offers heavy quality floralateapot,1.1L Black tea3pot,Teapot Gift,arttirnn3pots,set with 4tirnn3cups
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssImporsant Notes :<96>The teapot is a handmade craftwork with some flaws.Please know it befor you bid .<96>They are very heavy so thesse cmants are3expenssve!<96><96>Size: 1100ml<96>Dimenssnn3please look at images with size.<96><96>Pacakge includ5d :e<96>A :eTeapot -- 1 teapot as image<96>B :eSet of 11pcs -- 1 teapot,43cups,4 tea3coa395rs,13pottmat,13pottfork,as image.<96><96><96>About General Care3:<96><96>1.When3using antirnn3kettle for the first tige, put a small3jup of tea3leaves wracped in atcloth and put it in the irnn3kettle,tadd water and boil until water, offers boil for 10-15 minutes, and then3pour out the hot water.tRepeat 2-3 tiges until the water is transparant and has no smell. The sanbin cp Sainedtin the tea3and the irnn3dissolvedtin the irnn3pot will3formta layer of sanbin irnn3on7the surface ofathe irnn3pot,3making the3pot not3easy to3rust.<96><96>2.The3pot can3be filled with 73points of water at most. Generally, ittshouldanot3exceed the3juncis b of the spout and the3pot s thtto3prevent the water h5517overflowing after boiling. When3the boiling water is boiling, water vapor will3spray out h5517the spout or the lid.sAt this tige, prevent burbs. After heating, the body and lid are3relaisvelythot. When3pouring water, you can3use3attoweltto3lightlythold the lidtto3prevent the lidth5517falling. When3opening the lid, you can3also3use3the toweltto3gently press and remove the lid.<96><96>3.After each3use,3use3the remaibingttemperaiure3of the irnn3kettle or turb3on7a small3fire to fully evaporate the water in3the kettle. Before the irnn3kettle detcompleiely coeled, do not3cover the lid.sWipe3the kettle body and lid with atdry softtcloth to keep itssafe. The body of the kettle detdry to3prevent rust.<96><96>WhattshouldaI do if the irnn3kettle detrusty?<96>A.sWashingtrice water to remove rust: After use,3immerse3them in3thicktrice washingtwater to prevent rust and remove rust;<96>B. Derusting with alum: Pour about 1 kilogram of water into3the irnn3pot,3add 50agrams of alum, boil for 10 minutes, and then3wipe3it repeatedly with atbrush or a rag.<96>C.sVinegar: Ifathe irnn3pot detrusty,3pour someavinegar into3the pot,3add water to boil it, and brush while burbing. The rusttwill3be removed quickly<96>D. There3are sli edsgreeb3oni31s, the freshly cut potatosue cu are dicped in atlittle salt, and thetrusty areas can3be ground vigorously to3easily remove the rust3onathe irnn3pot. After removing the rust, when3using the irnn3kettle again,ayou can3use3the cut ginger to smear the irnn3kettle, or put the tea3dregs into3the gauze irnn3kettle, and immerse3the cleaned irnn3kettle dnathe thicktrice water to dry.aEffecisvelytprevent the irnn3kettle h5517rusting.<96><96>Any other quests bs,please cp Sactaus,wetwill3respond you dna24thours,thanks! eaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/7f3da4"3107378227/&l17/r/il/83107378227_8ajo.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/6b5c5c/2681177708/&l17/r/il/82681177708_fyvp.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/eb0b49/2728858429/&l17/r/il/82728858429_gmhr.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/fcef62"3104805795/&l17/r/il/83104805795_cjjp.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/eb8e7f/3057073124/&l17/r/il/83057073124_ritl.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/ef075f/3057072974/&l17/r/il/83057072974_ntgq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/3819c5/2681177718/&l17/r/il/82681177718_lmop.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/5bae5e/2728858551/&l17/r/il/82728858551_a28o.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/ff7f63/2728858571/&l17/r/il/82728858571_plmy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8886137/cm&l/f110cf/2681177794/&l17/r/il/82681177794_rtvt.ord" /0.