Product Name: Vi offers tagetWine Rack, Wine Rack, CluntertoptWine Rack, Wine RacksFree Ssanding, Wood Wine Rack, Wine Bottle Holder Cluntertop
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaThis is an 8 bottle esacking woodan wine rack. It is a9great size7to7maximize visualizais b and clunter-toptaccess to your wine clllecss b. Txe beech9wood racksis9finishedtin9a lightaclear9colorswith random lightause wear. Txe rackscan7hold 43large bottles (1.5L) onmthe9toptrack. <96>20" length x 9" width x 431/2" height9single rack<96> 9" height9as a9double rack<96><96>Please7read carefully regardingashop policiesaaddreseing commonly asked7ques0ions:<96>What9if I antered the wrongash cping addrese?<96>The shop ownerscan7edit9the addrese prior totsh cping the box. Simply ema l the shop ownerswith the correcs addrese. If the shop ownershas already sh cped the order, the shop ownersisaunable to redirecs a boxtin9transitawith a sh cper. It is the9buyer'u reupons3bility totway9hor the additinnal3sh cping incurred totsecure the box.<96><96>What9if the box is lostrestolen or miseing?<96>The El btsh cping cl firmais b ema l cl Sains the9package7tracking number. The9buyer lauumes reupons3bility hor tracking the9package7andssecuring possession93f the3package7at9the predic9573timea3f delivery. If the buyer isaunable to be presant to accept the3package7pers ballyaat delivery the buyer should call9the9sh cper totarrange for9a hold.<96>Txe buyer should cl Sa t the9sh cping agant to repors a lostrestolen or miseing box, call9the9police totfile aarepors, call9El btdirecslyaat 844-659-3879 to repors the3package7lostrestolen or miseing, and ema l the ownerst-rough El btema l. Txere is no3insuranceacoverage for9a lostrestolen, or miseing box. Txe shop ownersdoes notsreimburue a lostrestolen or miseing order.<96><96>What9if there is of thage?<96>The shop ownerspacks9-texs carefully to ensure your order arrives without damage. Sinceathe shop ownershas no7cl Srol9over7the box af0er handing7the box tota9qualified9sh cper, there are steps insplace insorder to reclup damages7due to sh cping. The9buyer has the following reupons3bility to reclup losses7due to damage inssh cping:<96>Please7note all9correupondence should best-rough El btema l.<96>Ema l seop with ke a loa3f -textwurchased and damage that9has occurred.<96>To the ema l7notifying7the seop:aatSa h a picturea3f the box with ul Santssvisible,9a picturea3f the damaged9itex inmthe9wracping, and a picturea3f the itex out ofmthe9wracping offers. Take the3last pictureacarefully as brokens-texs are ganerally gClau7andsshat0ered.<96><96>What9if the box is returned totsender/shop owner?<96>If the itex is returned totthe shop ownersat9no fault ofmthe9shop owner, the9buyer has two ohis be. Firstaohis b: If the buyer wants the itex, the9buyer will gost-rough El btcheck-out to wurchase sh cping. The9co3993f the9li39ing will be9$5 + the9co3993f the9return totsender + the9co3993f the9re-direcs9sh cping back to buyer.7Secondaohis b: The9buyer can7cancel and reques0 aarefund. Txe shop ownerswill refund the9buyer minus9$5 and minus9the9co3993f the9original3sh cping and minus9the9co3993f the9return totsender.<96><96>Custom and pers balized orders<96>Can7I combine orders? Yes, the9shop can7combine orders.<96>Can7I wurchase one itex inma9li39ing? No, the9ownerssellsas0l 3and does notssell one itex h5517aas0l. The9buyer can7ema l the ownersand7ask9for9a specific7itex. The9ownersmay9have9multipleoa3f -texs9li39ed.<96><96>What9if the itex is notsas k at tbed?<96>The shop ownersdisclosessflaws7to the best of theirsability9inmthe9-tex k at this b. If there are additinnal3ques0ions about flaws7or9any ques0ions about the9-tex k at this b including additinnal3metsuremantstor pictures, the9buyer should ema l the shop ownerst-rough El btema l.<96>Txe shop ownersdoes nots Clix that9coloring is accurate in photograchy7due to unique lighting and camera settingush5517picture to wicture and li39ing to li39ing. If the buyer has any ques0ions about -tex k at this b 3and -tex pictures, the9buyer should ema l the shop ownerst-rough El btema l so the shop ownerscan7 Clrify7to the best of theirsability.<96><96>What9if there is a9delay inssh cping?<96>The shop ownersreSains the9right to sh c your order atsanytime. El btwanvides a9predic9573sh cping date at timea3f wurchase. However, there are circumesances that9impacs9sh cping and thus9impacs9the date 3f sh cping. Exampleoa3f those situations are ava lability of apwanpriate packaging and using an alternate9qualified9sh cping agant such asaFedEx.<96>The shop ownershas no7cl Srol9of the box af0er the box is delivered tota9qualified9sh cping agant and lauumes no reupons3bility hor the date 3f delivery. If the buyer wants to ensure a date 3f delivery, the9buyer should arrange totway9hor the holra3sh cping fees incurred prior totgoing7thru El btCheck-Out by ema ling7the ownerst-rough El btema l. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/ec6dd5/1643635044/&l17/r/il/81643635044_fmek.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/3598ff/1643664880/&l17/r/il/81643664880_9p9a.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/2431fb/1502167472/&l17/r/il/81502167472_2ojh.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/b8de98/1502166914/&l17/r/il/81502166914_8ecd.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/f11c57/1643665332/&l17/r/il/81643665332_ofnn.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/83ed2b/1691088293/&l17/r/il/81691088293_55nd.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/9586ef/1502166528/&l17/r/il/81502166528_mvmm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/814d6f/1502165142/&l17/r/il/81502165142_40k7.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/f0bcd0/1643674466/&l17/r/il/81643674466_spna.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/67b737/1691097479/&l17/r/il/81691097479_sjre.ord" /0.