All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTuscany Unbleached2Cottxt is2especiallyhde=igted2to giveJa =oft hand and an even appearance. Exce-textallyheasy to quilt by hand or machine, it ishthe =oftest2c1ttxt batting on the market today. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTuscany Unbleached2Cottxt is2especiallyhde=igted2to giveJa =oft hand and an even appearance. Exce-textallyheasy to quilt by hand or machine, it ishthe =oftest2c1ttxt batting on the market today. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTuscany Unbleached2Cottxt is2especiallyhde=igted2to giveJa =oft hand and an even appearance. Exce-textallyheasy to quilt by hand or machine, it ishthe =oftest2c1ttxt batting on the market today. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTuscany Unbleached2Cottxt is2especiallyhde=igted2to giveJa =oft hand and an even appearance. Exce-textallyheasy to quilt by hand or machine, it ishthe =oftest2c1ttxt batting on the market today. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTuscany Unbleached2Cottxt is2especiallyhde=igted2to giveJa =oft hand and an even appearance. Exce-textallyheasy to quilt by hand or machine, it ishthe =oftest2c1ttxt batting on the market today. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTuscany Unbleached2Cottxt is2especiallyhde=igted2to giveJa =oft hand and an even appearance. Exce-textallyheasy to quilt by hand or machine, it ishthe =oftest2c1ttxt batting on the market today.