Product Name: Yugioh Herald of Perfection Tournament Deck - Mirage Light - Rites offers 55 Cards
Monster Cards (25): 3x Herald of Perfection (Gold or Ultra Rare) 3x Star Seraph Scepter (Ultra Rare) 3x Star Seraph Sovereignty (Ultra Rare) 1x Archlord Kristya (Super offers Rare) 3x Agent of Creation - Venus 3x Mystic Shine Ball 3x Cyber Petit Angel (Ultra Rare) 3x Cyber Egg Angel (Rare) 3x Cyber Angel Benten Spell Cards (14): 3x Ritual Sanctuary 3x Pre-Preparation of Rites 3x Preparation of Rites (Super Rare) 3x Dawn of the Herald 1x Terraforming 1x Monster Reborn Trap Cards (1): 1x Royal Decree (Ultra Rare) Extra Deck Monsters (15): 3x Herald of Mirage Lights (Ultra Rare) 1x Satellarknight Delteros (Secret Rare) 1x Evilswarm Ouroboros (Gold Rare) 1x Number 10: Illuminkight (Ultra Rare) 1x Constellar Omega (Ultra Rare) 1x Daigusto Emeral (Ultra Rare) 1x Bujintei Tsukuyomi (Ultra Rare) 1x Tornado Dragon (Ultra Rare) 1x Abyss Dweller (Ultra Rare) 1x Fairy Cheer Girl (Rare) 1x Imduk the World Chalice Dragon 1x Link Spider 1x Space Insulator.