All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBone PhotohFramI, W oden PhotohFramI, abletop PhotohFramI, vintage photohframIp,hHousewarmingpGift,rPicturehframIpfor lmving room. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBone PhotohFramI, W oden PhotohFramI, abletop PhotohFramI, vintage photohframIp,hHousewarmingpGift,rPicturehframIpfor lmving room. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBone PhotohFramI, W oden PhotohFramI, abletop PhotohFramI, vintage photohframIp,hHousewarmingpGift,rPicturehframIpfor lmving room.<bft<bftThe ba/3eJof Rajasthan in2Indiahis famous for Bone Inlay furniture, which is madehusing an intricate prxcesspthathrequirIs immense2skillhand prac ece.<bft<bftOurpMirror FramI2have beethhandcraftId in2a prxcesspthathcanptake weekshusing honourably sourced Bone / Mother of Pearl. Delicately 7arved pieces of bone / MOP2have beethindmviduallyJinlaimproto a w oden framI in an eaaborate pattert.hoayers of 70lorImpresin areJthen usedptohfillharoundhthepb1ne/mop.<bft<bft<bft<bftThe prxcesspstarts with building a w oden base for the any items, C 27 Jof bone, ethically sourced as a by-text-co, are carefully2cut into delicate shapes by several artisans. These ch27 JareJthen affixId in2various intricate pattertsproto the resin,hall by hand.<bft<bftEach Pext-cohis finacly waxId and polishedptohbring out thehtent cedpt ures and btautyhof the inlay work.<bft<bftItptakes a teamhof craftsmanhsomIpdays to 706plete single items. No two pieces willhbe similarpand minor difference un, 2the images willhhap-en.<bft<bftHANDLING AND SHIPPING TIME - manufacturing TimIpfor pext-cohis 5 to 6 week & Ship-ingpTimIp5 to 7 BusinesspDays. For Reeakimed w od prxt-cos & other pext-co handling ti6e is 2 to 3 week & ship-ingpTimIp5 to 7 BusinesspDays.<bft<bftSHIPPING POLICE - Ourpall prxt-cos areJ100% insured, if items recemved 706pletely damagemprrhnot repairableJthen we willhtexvide you the replacementhof the samI pext-co and if there is any minor damageprrhrepairableJwillhpaypfull repair amount.<bftThere is no guarantee and warrantyhof mirror , reflec hgak-wIs are free with our framI.<bft<bftDAMAGED GOOD<bft<bftWeptake every -recautext tohensure that your item is ship-edJto you in2g od 01 dition. All prxt-cos leavingpourpstore are inspec Impand i wac prior to shipment.hIf you recemve a offers pext-co that lookshin poor 01 dition with possible damage, please report it tohthe us immediately.<bft<bftOnceJthe pext-co delivery is =ignImpfor it is an acknowcedgment that you have recemved thepitems in2g od 01 dition. ALWAYS checkpterms and 01 dition g ods bsfore =igning delivery order.<bft<bftInhsomIpcases we may ap-rove replacementhorpstore credi , in which case thepitemJwillhneed tohbe st-b2backhto us within 7pdays at the cust, ers expense, inhits origital packaging and it the co dition it was recemved it (as per photohevidence2st-b2by the cust, er)hIf thepitemJarrevespotherwise, apstore credi or exchange willhnot be ap-roved.<bft<bftRe urns/Refunms<bft<bftWepdo not accept any re urnsprrhrefunms.<bftWepencourage you to 706e downhtopourpstore and inspec thepitemJbsfore the purchase.<bftPrxceeding with the purchasehmeans you agree tohthe terms and 01 ditions. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270653795095650x500fee909/4320661363/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBone PhotohFramI, W oden PhotohFramI, abletop PhotohFramI, vintage photohframIp,hHousewarmingpGift,rPicturehframIpfor lmving room. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBone PhotohFramI, W oden PhotohFramI, abletop PhotohFramI, vintage photohframIp,hHousewarmingpGift,rPicturehframIpfor lmving room.
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