Product Name: Handspring Visor offers Vintage Palm OS Handheld PDA w/ Cover & Stylus & Manual on CD
Handspring Visor Vintage Palm OS Handheld PDA w/ Cover & Stylus & Manual on CD. Clean; minor scratches from use; works and looks great! Handspring was a maker of Palm OS-based Visor- and Treo-branded personal digital assistants. It was run by Jeff Hawkins, Donna Dubinsky, and Ed Colligan, the original inventors of the Palm Pilot and founders of Palm Computing, after they became unhappy with the direction in which 3Com was taking the Palm division. Handspring was founded in June 1998 and merged with Palm, Inc.'s hardware division in 2003 to form palmOne. The Treo 600 was the last product to use the Handspring name. The company launched the Handspring Visor line of products on September 14, 1999. Unlike most products produced by Palm at the time, they used USB to synchronize with the desktop computer and offers included an expansion port. The USB support made these the first Palm devices to work with the Macintosh operating system out-of-the-box. (INV #38).