Anklet Blue and Black powerful Triple strand Magnetic offers therapy Anklet Bracelet with High power magnet beads. (whole body triple strand)
Magnets do increase energy and vitality plus much more Conditions that have been relieved.
Magnets do increase energy and vitality, plus much more! Conditions that have been relieved by the use of magnetic therapy are: Allergies, Asthma, Back Aches, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel, Chronic fatigue Syndrome, Colitis, Fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, heel spurs, high blood pressure, insomnia, migraines, osteoporosis, poor circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, trigger finger, head aches, joint pain, and many more. Magnets increase circulation, balance PH in the body and improve oxygen levels in the blood. The use of magnets can speed up healing and fusion in broken bones 50% faster.
Our Magnetic bracelets are made High power hematite magnetic beads, Black, blue, purple, gold, copper. and rainbow color. Magnetic Jewelry has been known to improve blood circulation, increase blood's oxygen level, reduce stiffness, and help clear blood vessels of cholesterol and calcium. the size of bracelet does matter for strength, typically a single strand bracelet will effect from the head to the hips, carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, headaches, joint and arm pain, stress, energy, metabolism, circulation, etc... The double strand is a great bracelet if you are trying to increase energy, target headaches, migraines, lower back problems, arthritic conditions, and depending on how magnets effect you a double could be strong enough to effect whole body. The triple strand bracelets and Necklaces have enough magnetic strength in them to effect the whole body. Such as Allergies, Asthma, Colitis, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Migraines, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Tendonitis, Diabetic Nerve pain, Sciatic Nerve. etc.....Ankle bracelets are great for leg circulation offers , Neuropathy, chronic pain relief, swollen feet, Knee and joint pain relief.
Magnets increase the production of amino acids and positively affect the entire body. In other words, magnets accelerate the metabolism and help the body function properly. They help oxygen and nutrients arrive at the location of injury as soon as possible so as to repair the damage.
Magnetic Jewelry will regulate the blood flow in the body. It is also used to treat and relieve headaches and anemia. Additional physical benefits include relief from cramps, spinal problems and fractured bones. Its healing properties are based in the strengthening energy of iron, as well as the calming, nurturing nature of oxygen.